About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

CAPHRA is calling for Vapers in New Zealand to submit a testimonial

Did you know that NZ has released a revision to the SmokeFree Environments and Regulated Products Amendment that wants to capture closed systems such as pod vapes in the proposed ban on “disposable vapes”? The proposed revision includes banning closed systems that use prefilled tanks, pods, and cartridges.


The key concerns are as follows:

Impact on Older Vapers  and People who Smoke: The bill’s restriction on disposable vaping products will disproportionally affect older adults and those using vaping as a smoking cessation tool.  These individuals often lack the dexterity required for handling refillable devices, making the proposed  ban a significant hurdle in their journey to quit smoking.

Display Restrictions: The bill also proposes restrictions on the visibility of vaping  products in retail stores and online. This places safer technology on the same level as combustible tobacco and may deter people who smoke from even giving it a go.

General Accessibility Issues: The proposed revision to the regulations will make it more difficult  for adults to access vaping products, potentially pushing them back to smoking. 75% of older vapers (55+) use replaceable pods as they find them as easy as their former use of cigarettes. There is no fiddling with trying to refill tanks or change coils due to arthritic hands and lack of visual acuity.

Need a hand? Your testimonial could include the following information:
My name is _____& I am _____ years old.
I started smoking at age ____ & I smoked for ____ years.
I quit smoking using vapour products  and have vaped for ____ years.
I vape because – “I didn’t want to get sick and di,” “I want to have more time with my grandchildren,” etc.
If the government proceeds to restrict access to the products I need to stay smoke-free, I will ____.
“DIY, Return to Smoking” “Find a way to get what I need by whatever means necessary” etc.

Contacting the  Associate Member of Health Hon MP Casey Costello:
If you would like to contact the Associate Member of Health via c.costello@ministers.govt.nz, please do so.  All we ask is you keep it polite and direct. She is not the enemy, she is working under extreme pressure from the anti-THR brigade. Be kind.

Contacting your local MP:
You can search for your local MP HERE.

Submit your testimonial

CAPHRA is calling for vapers in New Zealand to submit a testimonial that can be collated and used to campaign against these revisions and be presented to the minister formally. To make it simple, you can either provide a video, or enter your written testimonial in the appropriate fields below. Once finished,  hit submit or alternatively email us at admin@righttovape.org.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
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