I smoked for 17 years. I started using an e cig about two months ago, using a battery and refillable atomiser with e juice. I’ve used a mix of strengths, from 24 mg to 16 mg. I have started to decrease the strength of these. Up until last week I was smoking periodically, but I had gone from 25 a day down to three, down to the occasional social cigarette, but now I have stopped completely. I had pretty much tried everything, NRT, gum, counselling, blackmail from my wife, you name it, my best attempt then was a few days. The only negative I have found with the e-cig is that I do have a slight cough still, but I don’t know if that is the residual smokers cough come to haunt me. The list of positives is almost endless. I can breathe better, I can smell (I didn’t admit it, but I had all but lost my sense of smell at 30 and was pretending I hadn’t) I can taste better, I feel more alive.