I remember watching my dad burn his face badly by smoking while on oxygen. So I full well knew the highly addictive nature of cigarettes. Yet some years later I started smoking a couple of cigarettes a day to help relax during a horribly stressful time in my life. 20 plus years later I found myself to be a 2 1/2 pack a day smoker. I loved to smoke and had no desire to quit. A situation arose where I would be taking a road trip with a friend who is highly sensitive to cigarette smoke. This meant several hours in a car, a week in a hotel, and several hours back home without being able to smoke unless stopping or going outside. I didn’t see how this was going to work. I decided to get an electronic cigarette just to supplement when I could have a chance to smoke. The fellow at the smoke shop suggested I try a better one than the disposable that I had chosen. I bought it and had a cigarette in the parking lot before starting our trip. 80 days later and that was the last tobacco cigarette I smoked. Previously I would go, at most, 8 hours without a cigarette, and that only if I didn’t wake up in the night. All three adults in our house have quit smoking with electronic cigarettes. We felt so strongly early on that within two weeks of using the devices we testified at the CT legislature health committee in defense of our ability to use them. This is just one story of three heavy smokers who have been smoke free with ease for nearly 3 months. All thanks to the electronic cigarette.