I am a 53 year old female. I smoked cigarettes for thirty seven years, I tried to quit using Chantix but had very bad side effects from Chantix. So I wasn’t able to quit. On December 10th of 2012 I started Vaping with a Ego C twist battery and a Pyrex tank and cartomizer filled with e-liquid and have never wanted another cigarette . Now six months later my memory is better, I can breath, I no longer cough in the mornings. Actually I don’t cough at all. I can taste food again and smell things that I couldn’t when I smoked. My last chest x-ray of two weeks ago was clear! My doctor is amazed at how much better my health is. And the least of it all is my hair and clothes don’t stink anymore from cigarette smoke and my husband enjoys kissing me with out me tasting like a cigarette .