I have smoked for 15 years. I quit smoking about a year and a half ago using an eGo T. I quit within my first week and haven’t looked back since. My taste buds and sense of smell are back and cigarettes taste and smell disgusting to me now. I have helped all of my smoker friends and family get their own kits and they are all non smokers now also. I am very proud of myself as well as my family and friends for quitting smoking. It is definitely something that seemed would never happen. It wasn’t hard at all once my body was weened from all of the toxic chemicals that a traditional cigarette delivers x 20 daily. If ecigarettes and ejuice were taken off the market or banned in any way, it would be detrimental to this new generation of non smokers. It seems they want you to quit because it is frowned upon in our society. But when you find something that makes it easy, like ecigarettes, they want to take that away from you too. Ultimately destroying our conquered victory.