About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

I started trying to quit cigarettes over 10 years ago. When I turned 40 I realized that cigarettes were going to kill me. I tried the nicotine patch first. I used 21 mg patches. after a day at work off came the patch and I smoked. Just not that good. I gave up and a year later I started the new herbal quit smoking product I remember it was expensive and didnt work at all. Next up in the quitting circle was hypnosis. What a joke. I was smoking as soon as I left the session. So off to the doctor, he gave me wellbutrin and said use patches with that. It worked for a while. I think I was good (off cigarettes) for about 90 days. But, it impacted my quality of life. I was so drugged up I had no emotions and no feelings. I stopped the wellbutrin and cigarettes were back. I smoked for a while this time. Probably 2 years. Then I was diagnosed with high Blood pressure. I knew I had to quit. Back on patches, same results as above,I tried SNUS (Yuck they were like sucking a wet sock) I tried gum, also nasty. then I heard about chantix. It was anew product at the time. I had my doctor prescribe it, it was expensive. It was nasty, it made me over emotional, angry and impotent. But, I actually quit smoking for a year. It was hell though I think it was worse than smoking as far as I was concerned anyway. Then I was smoking again. More chantix (ya know it really only works well once) More patches, more gum, more patches and on and on and on. Finally, a friend of mine said Hey, try vaping…. He explained to me how it worked, where to get a starter kit and how it all worked. I ordered 2 kits one for me and one for my wife figuring heck it cant hurt I tried everything else. My wife and I have been vaping for about 3 months now with NO CIGARETTES NO desire for one and no problems with nictine withdrawal or the hand to mouth smoking thing that gets alot of people. Vaping is the only thing I found that actually got me off cigarettes without ANY nasty side effects or issues. MY wife and I smoked for nearly 25 years. We have not bought or smoked a cigarette in 3 months. I find this amazing! MY wind is coming back, my sense of smell is back.It is all good. Vaping is the best maybe the only way to quit or reduce smoking. My sister in law has been smoking for 20 years and was desperate to quit. I bought her a vape starter kit a week ago. She is now smoking 4 cigarettes a day rather than a pack a day. I am confident she will stop cigarettes altogether in another week. THANKS E CIGS VAPING and the ECIG Forum