I smoked since I was 14. I limited myself to up to 3 cigs a day but I smoked every day. At the time, cigs were easier to get than any kind of smoking alternative, even for underage kids. I tried to quit but found if I got a whiff of one I craved them and I didn’t have the willpower to not smoke. So until I was 17 I smoked. When I turned 17, some co-workers introduced me to the e-cig. Not the crappy blu ecigs but the ego mod. Since then I had wanted one, but the laws around them were so confusing (and I was not incompetent by any means of the word) that I was unsure of what I could do. So I smoked cigs for another half a year until I found that there was no legislation nor negative health findings concerning nicotine-less flavored vaporizers so I spent a paycheck on the eGo Twist and a Vamo 3 off fasttech because the age restriction wasn’t applicable even though no laws existed many vendors did not sell to kids because of public image issues associated with the sale of these products to minors. So I got the things in the mail a week and a half later and I practically never looked back. The mods worked great, I spent almost $200 on everything I thought I’d need which may seem expensive but I was saving over that much per year by not smoking so I figured I’d splurge and it was the best decision of my life. As soon as I switched I could taste things better. I could smell better. I could go on runs and bike with my girlfriend. I could play sports again. All the flavors made it more attractive than cigs and after one premade bottle of juice I began to mix my own from natural concentrates and PG and VG liquids. I completely cut off my nicotine dependence and I currently vape 30/70 PG/VG with 0% nic and I know the exact contents of my e juice. I researched extensively the effects each chemical had on the body and they were negligible unless I consumed a ridiculous and near impossible amount of the stuff. I go through about 3 mils a day and by mixing my own juice i can make a batch that lasts me an entire month for under $30. There is no comparison between that and analogs. It’s healthier. It’s cheaper. It tastes better and it helped me regain years my life I’d be losing to cancer and lung disease. I love vaping and unless a bombshell gets dropped about a toxic reaction between VG or PG or sucrose and the body I will never go back to smoking.