About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

I am a former PAD smoker. I started at the age of 14 with smoking and have done so for 40 years straight. There was only one period of 3 months while using chantix that have been smoke free. It almost cost me my life due to the side effects of chantix. I was already giving up to ever stop smoking even though my heath was getting worst. I have heard about E-cigarettes but always thought it is some kind of scam. Then one day I heard someone who I admire talk about his usage of E-cigarettes and how it helped him to quit smoking. After talking with my wife (a life long non smoker) we decided to give it a try. Everything else was tried from cold turkey to chantix, gum and patch and all with support groups without the desired result so why not try the E-cigs. I started with the cigarette look alike with the goal to just reduce smoking as much as possible. I was convinced that quiting complete would not be an option. Well after 4 weeks using the E-cigarette I suddenly was smokefree. It was very amazing to realize that it was possible. That was in May 2011 and I am now 2 years smoke free. I have since advanced to APV mods which suit my vaping needs better then the cigarette look alikes. My health condition has improved alot. I no longer have to take certain medications and my Doctor is very pleased with my overall health. My breathing, sense of smell and taste have improved as well as my stamina. There is no desire to smoke anymore. I was able to reduce the nicotine level and might reach 0 nicotine at some time. For now I am just happy to not smoke anymore as are my familie and friends. I only hope that more smokers give it a try. That would save so many life’s. Please excuse my English since it is not my first language. Thank you. Ronald McKie