My first cigarette was when I was six years old. When I grew up,smoking was everywhere movies, TV, billboards, even in songs. I lived in a smoking household. I never had a chance. I thought,(I couldn’t wait until I could smoke too, If you were a man you should smoke). I would steal a pack when I could but when I was eighteen, LEGAL, I started to smoke eveyday. I have smoked for thirty odd years,I have tried every method out there,even accupunture. With everything I tried,I never thought that I could quit. I here poeple quiting cold turkey,I could not imagine how poeple did that. After my years of smoking I tried e cigarettes,kinda to save money. I never thought I would stop smoking because of e cigarettes. I now taste food more,I feel better and I vape, I haven’t had a cigarette in almost a year. I now try to get people I work with to try e cigarettes because of it’s benefits.