About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

Name is Nico, 37 male from Namibia, Africa. Smoker for 20+ years, quit 1 month in 2012 cold turkey, 10 – 15 rollies with filters p/day for past 6 months. e-cig since yesterday morning. 1 analogue today, otherwise vaping 1,8% per volume. – blood pressure at ‘normal/healthy’ levels at 7pm, always used to be elevated. – woke up at 4am, 1 hour before I usually wake up. – 2km fast walk at 5am felt ever so slightly better. – slightly dizzy but no lack in concentration. – fidgety, restless and very slight anxiety, but no irritation. – good energy, lungs feel good and phlegm/wheezing is already gone. – slightly more sweat. Feels like I’m in cessation, or very similar, which is weird. Can’t make heads or tails from it yet, but will continue to ride the wave. Overall I am feeling very positive.