My mother (a life long smoker) died of lung cancer at age sixty-seven. My brother smoked for 43 years and then tried every pharmaceutical smoking cessation device/drug he could find to enable him to quit. He suicided a few months after trying a well known anti-smoking drug. I smoked 1 to 2 packs per day for 48 years. I wanted to quit, but dealing firsthand with what happened to my brother, I didn’t/don’t trust the FDA or the drugs they deem safe. I tried to quit on my own, but like my coffee, I need my nicotine. In July of 2010 a relative showed me an e-cig she got at a 7-11 store. I started researching them immediately. Within a month I ordered my first e-cigarette kit. I quit the day I tried the kit for the first time, 8/22/10. I have been smoke free ever since. It was that easy. I still get my nicotine, and over the last year I’ve even lowered the amount I need. I get the hand to mouth muscle memory I’ve been used to since I was 12 years old. I can breathe normally now. I have more energy and feel healthy. My doctor has no problem with my using an e-cigarette. Unfortunately, I live in California and there is bill that I fear will soon be passed which will label me as still smoking and force me to use my e-cigarette in places only designated for smokers, thus I’ll be inhaling smoke (albeit secondhand) once again.