I was smoking for about two years before I made the switch. 7 months ago I started with snus but that didn’t really curb my cigarette habit. I found out about /r/ecr on reddit and from that point on I have not touched a cigarette. I still have a cigar every now and again but for the most part I do not smoke Once I got my e-cig I never really had a big desire to smoke cigarettes. I would say the switch was pretty instant I didn’t use any NRT’s because I had seen my dad use it and have some nasty side effects so NRT’s were never an option for me. Postiviely I find my self with a better cardio capticatiy and I don’t smell like smoke all the time. I even have made some new friends from vaping so it is all pretty positive for me. The only negative is the weird looks I get using some of my higher end mods.