I smoked for 20 years before I tried ecigs. I’d tried to quit numerous times, I tried going cold-turkey, I tried the gum, I tried the patches. The only one of these that worked for me was the patches, but after a month I developed a severe skin allergy to something in the patch and had to stop using them. I went right back to cigarettes. I have four children, and while I wish I could say that I quit for all four pregnancies, I did have to bum a cigarette from someone about once a week. I was embarrassed and upset with myself, but my addiction to cigarettes was overpowering. Judge me if you must, but it’s the truth. I began vaping six months ago. I decided that I was going to give it a shot, and when my kit arrived in the mail, while I was unwrapping everything, I smoked my very last cigarette. Since then I’ve found avoiding cigarettes easy. I have no cravings, no relapses, no desire to smoke at all. I can even still hang out with other smokers (my husband smokes) and not feel the urge to light up. The smell of cigarette smoke now makes me sick, and this is a wonderful thing. For 20 years I loved the taste and smell of cigarette smoke, and I feel like I’m finally free. I’ve noticed a marked improvement in my breathing and overall feeling of wellness. I used to get nasty colds that would last a month or more, I used to cough up lovely chunks of phlegm in the morning. I used to get dizzy when exercising or when blowing up balloons. I haven’t had a single cold in the six months I’ve been vaping. I don’t cough up phlegm, in fact I don’t really cough much at all now. My kids even commented on how nice it is that I’m not going into coughing fits any more. I can walk around theme parks without getting tired. And I can not only blow up balloons with little effort, I’ve found that I can blow up huge pool toys for the kids without getting dizzy or needing to catch my breath. I started out using 24mg eliquid, and I’m down to 12-18mg now. I’m slowly reducing my nicotine levels, my plan is to get down to 0mg. I’m not sure yet if I will then completely quit ecigs. I’ll decide when I get there.