I had been a smoker for 15 years at about two packs a day. I have tried quitting with patches, lozenges and medication and none really worked. I just lacked the will power and motivation to quit. It was always easier to put it off till later, or give up and try again later. I know smoking is bad but when I started I was young and indestructible. I tried one of those cheap disposable ecigs at first, just because they were new and different. It was not bad, but it couldn’t replace a real cigarette. I don’t know if it was the lack of smoke coming out or just poor quality but it would never have been anything more than something to use in a pinch. A couple of weeks later I tried a better quality ecig that a friend had. It was a totally different than the cheap junk from the gas station. Apart from the size it was just as satisfying as a cigarette. It did not feel right in my hand but I could get over that. I immediately ordered one from the internet (just a basic ego with a clearomizer) and started to look for the liquids. I immediately decided I would only use liquid from reputable vendors in the US only. I don’t trust the Chinese to make dog food, I’m definitely not using a ecig liquid from them. This didn’t narrow it down to much so after many youtube videos and reviews I found two vendors to order samples from. One was a company based in Wisconsin so that was a bonus. I still use these two vendors often, but have ordered from many others as well. Ecig stuff arrived in the mail and watched some more youtube videos on how to use it and that was it. I still smoked cigarettes for about a week during the transition as I used up the cigarettes I had left. That was almost a year ago and I have not smoked since. After about two months I tried a cigarette and hated it. I have no desire to smoke a real cigarette again. I get a little bit of flack at work for my funny looking smoking device, but those same people are the ones asking about where to get one. In less than a year five people have quit smoking after seeing me use an ecig and trying one. My doctor even noticed my health improvement and has suggested it to others as a less dangerous alternative to smoking for those who can’t/wont quit.