About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

My name is Michael S. I have been a smoker for over 15 years. I am currently 30. Seeing my dad die of cancer due to smoking really opened my eyes. I wanted to quit but did not have the will power to do so. I heard about e-cigs a couple years ago but never tried them. I started vaping 2 months ago. I currently have been smoke free for over a month. I feel so much healthier. Lungs do not hurt. I can move freely with out wheezing. I have more energy. My doctor has seen my blood pressure get back to normal. He actually suggested e-cigs as a tool to quit. This is a revolution. E-cigs are clearly a healthier alternative.