About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

When I first met my wife, she was a pack a day smoker since the age of 12. After a few months of dating, I eventually started smoking even though I had never done so, nor had the desire to do so previously in my life. Eventually, as time went on, and money vanished, we decided to quit smoking. We tried cold turkey and Welbutrin. We successfully quit for a few months until her mother got into a car accident, and the stress was so high, we started smoking again. A few years later, we got married and started trying to have children. We mutually agreed it was time to give up smoking for good. That lasted about a year. Our daughter had very bad colic issues and the stress was overwhelming. Back to cigarettes we went. This process went on until I decided enough was enough and talked to my doctor about it. He recommended Chantix. After taking this FDA approved drug, my personality changed, I couldn’t sleep because of horrible, vivid nightmares, and I was angry about everything. I stopped taking Chantix, but still wanted to stop smoking. I started a part-time job to supplement my income and met a guy who had a cigalike device. I asked him about it and was intrigued. I joined several forums and researched nonstop for weeks. I finally bought my first kit, and was frustrated with the performance. I alternated back and forth between cigarettes and my electronic cigarette. At that time, most e-cigs had lousy battery life and were cartridge based. Most of the juice that was sold was made in China and tasted awful. It was either machine oil tasting tobacco, or menthol. I settled with the menthol. l bought a lot of gimmicky devices and they didn’t quite satisfy me. After a few more months, I decided to buy a ProVari and cartomizer tanks. Once I got to that point and found good eliquid that I liked, I completely gave up cigarettes and haven’t had one since. Today, I use genesis atomizers and rebuildable dripping atomizers. I mix my own liquid and I buy liquid from the hundreds of great online vaping shops out there. They’re filled with great people who make it a priority to help people get away from tobacco cigarettes.