About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

I began smoking in 1978, at the age of 15. My first attempt to quit was at age 25, when patches were obtained by prescription. I was finally able to quit at age 48, after 33 years of smoking a pack a day. In addition to my smoking, both my parents smoked two packs a day. I was passively smoking from the day I was born. Quitting was no problem; it was staying quit that was the problem. I smoked during both of my pregnancies, despite desperately wanting to be smoke-free for my children. I smoked in the car with the window down with my children with me. Tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of dental work has failed because I could not stop smoking. I now require dentures to eat and speak properly. I had to stop smoking because my workplace went tobacco-free. I work in a prison, so even having tobacco with me was forbidden. I have been smoke-free for almost two years. My anniversary date is 9/1/11. I did not quit smoking cold turkey. I started with no smoking in my vehicle,then progressed to 4 hour periods when I would use my electronic cigarette, and them smoke cigarettes for the rest of the day. After a few months, I was able to only use my ecig at work, then I was able to give up my first-thing-in-the-morning smoke. I take my e-cig to bed with me! It’s right there if I need it, with no risk of burning down the house. I am able to remain smoke-free with electronic cigarettes (e-cigs). I feel that I am successful with e-cigs as a Nicotine Replacement System because they provide the same dosing system as cigarettes. Patches worked to help me quit, but the cravings were a never-ending struggle which kept me exhausted. The ear magnets worked to an extent. I was not able to take Welbutrin/Zyban, and Chantix scared me. I tried a lot of different brands of electronic cigarettes before settling on the Boge LEO. The LEO has saved my life, and saved me a lot of money. Everyone who has difficulty quitting smoking has their own reasons. I no longer have a chronic sinus infection. I don’t get bronchitis in the winter. I heal incredibly quickly. I don’t stink. My truck doesn’t stink. My kids don’t stink, and they are proud of me! My insurance premiums are lower than smokers’. I have a lot more money, even after I regularly purchase cartomizers/atomizers and liquid. My dermatologist told me that he could tell just by looking at me that I no longer smoked. My hair grows faster. I did add 10 pounds. I also had a lot more energy, so I was able to lose it Everyone has their own smoking style, and will develop their own vaping style. In my opinion, there is a need for the variety of e-cigs currently on the market. With all of the atomizers, cartomizers, clearomizers, batteries, there are several ideal e-cigs for each individual who wishes to stop smoking. There are also many reputable suppliers. Electronic cigarette users do not need to have their suppliers regulated by the FDA, or anyone else. If I’m not happy with a retailer, I simply move on, or check in with the ECF to find a quality retailer. If electronic cigarettes were not available to me, I would absolutely start smoking again. In the past two years, I have lowered the nicotine content of my e-liquid from 18 mg to 12 mg. I intend to continue this, until I am vaping no nicotine. The only reason that the FDA and other government entities want to regulate the components of E-cigs is because they see a lot of money to be made. With all of the variables involved, there is no way that e-cigs can be regulated. It would be close to impossible to standardise all of the batteries, atomizers, e-liquids, fillers, tank systems, etc. What about mods? Will they be illegal? I personally don’t use mods because I don’t know enough about electronic cigarettes to modify them, however I don’t believe that my fellow vapers should be penalized for their knowledge or modification talent. In closing, I will say that I wish that I had starting exploring electronic cigarettes before I had to choose between smoking and being employed. I am grateful to all my suppliers. I am very grateful for the opportunity that I had to try a lot of different brands without them being regulated, and I am eternally grateful that I have been able to stop smoking using electronic cigarettes.