About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

My name is Kyle. I’m a proud electronic cigarette user. Before my success with e-cigs, I smoked a variety of cigarettes for roughly 5 years, growing more heavy towards the last two years. My first three years of being a smoker I denied I was an addicted smoker. My last two years of being a smoker I enjoyed it 9 days out of 10. Then, I saw my first Ego style e-cig, and I had to buy one for my wife and I. My wife quit cigarettes that day. I still needed that 1 or 2 cigarettes a day at work. Other than that the ego battery with a clearomizer was working wonderfully at the house. Then, I saw my first mod style e-cig. And instantly a burning passion lit up inside of me. My wife challenged me to not smoke for a week and I could get it. Needless to say in those 7days I did research. LOTS of research. And by the end of those 7 days, smoke free ofcourse, I no longer wanted that first mod, because I had discovered the endless possibilities of Mods and e-cigs. It has been 2 months now. My family is proud of me. They were waiting for this to happen, I just couldn’t do it myself. E-cigarettes…Life Changing. Life Saving.