My name is Kevin, I’m 23 years old and live in Las Vegas, NV. I started smoking cigarettes in May of 2008, a few months after turning 18. I found out my girlfriend was pregnant and was stressing about doing well enough to graduate high school. It started out as smoking a cigarette once a day whenever a friend of mine would have any. I told myself once I graduate and stop stressing, I’d stop. As more time passed, I started having more and more cigarettes throughout the day. Before I knew it, I would’ve smoked half a pack. Eventually, graduation day came. I was nervous, hoping I would receive a diploma and not a certificate of attendance. Fortunately, I did receive my diploma and told myself it was time to stop smoking, but there was a problem. Not only was I addicted, but I actually enjoyed smoking cigarettes to the point where I didn’t want to quit. Cigarettes had become an outlet, a break, from my day. Whether I was having a great day and wanted a smoke to heighten it, or having a terrible day and needed a break with few drags. I loved smoking, but I hated almost everything about it. I hated how the smell would just stick with me to where my daughter and girlfriend didn’t want to go near me for a hug or kiss. I hated that I knew it was slowly killing me. I hated how I couldn’t go for few hours or few drinks without having one before I get antsy and desperate for some nicotine. I also noticed I was starting to develop chest pains every morning I woke up and a quicker loss of breathe after more demanding activities. In the middle of August 2011, I decided I wanted to quit but didn’t really know how. I tried to quit cold turkey resulting in complete failure. I thought about Chantix, but after hearing some horror stories of friends and coworkers, I was too scared to try it and didn’t want to spend money on something that’s not guaranteed to work. So I was back trying to cold turkey my smoking habit for the remainder of 2011 and all throughout 2012 with little to no success. I tried slowly cutting back and other methods like using toothpicks to straws to get over the oral fixation with no success. I even tried one of the e-cigs available at the time (I’m sorry I cant remember the name of the brand at the time.) It looked like a cigarette and was decent, but with the lack of cartridges and support for the product, I quickly went back to the traditional tobacco cigarette. I gave up, and pretty much thought I was never going to quit. 2013 came around and I was still smoking, then one day at work, a coworker said he was going to quit smoking. Two weeks went by until I saw him again, and he told me he’s been without a cigarette for a week and still going strong. I was amazed, I had to know how because I couldn’t get through a day. I asked and he showed me, it was an e-cig, but not the one I tried before. It looked much larger and heavier. I know now it was a 710 battery with a clearomizer and liquid. I was kinda confused at first but he let me try it. I smoked a cigarette and then gave the e-cig a try. It was, different, but in a good way. I wasn’t completely sold on it yet, but I did notice it was much better than the one I had tried before. I gave it back to him and thought about it. A week later, I saw another coworker with a similar setup with a battery and clearomizer. I asked him about it and he told me he had not had a cigarette in two months! At that point I had to try it. It was now early April 2013, I had half a pack of cigarettes and waiting in line at the local smoke shop. I told the clerk that I wanted an e-cig, he pulled out one similar to the one I had before but when I saw a clearomizer, I told the clerk, I wanted whatever uses those. I left the shop with an AtmosRX Optimus 510 and two container of e-liquid with no name on it. For the rest of the day, I put it through its courses. I filled it with strawberry flavored e-liquid and began to vape. The whole day went by before I noticed I hadn’t had a cigarette. It was amazing to me and I fell in love with it. I enjoyed being tobacco free until the e-cig died on me. That half a pack I still had, took me a week finish instead of a day and I would only smoke a cigarette when I was was waiting for my e-cig to charge. I eventually bought an eGo Twist battery to alternate when one was charging and different e-liquids such as my current favorite Villain Vapor’s Bonnie & Clyde. After that pack if cigarettes was gone, I haven’t bought another since. I started using e-liquids with 18mg of nicotine and now moved down 12mg. I’m currently using Innoken’s iTaste MVP with a Kanger Protank and my eGo Twist with a Kanger Evod. I have been tobacco free for 2 months and still am. If it wasn’t for these products I’d still be smoking tobacco cigarettes. I’m proud to say that I’ve been able to convert friends and family to e-cigs and feel better that we’re using a less hazardous alternative.