My name is Kantner and I am 21 years old. I grew up with both of my parents being smokers and because of this I started smoking cigarettes at a very young age, about ten years old. Throughout this time, until recently, I had tried to quit smoking using nicotine patches and gum several times. To no avail. I found out about e-cigarettes walking through the mall in February 2013 and decided to try one. I actually liked it and decided to buy one, being an almost 2 pack a day smoker. Within one week I wasn’t smoking cigarettes at all. Mostly because they just didnt taste the same. The e cigarettes tasted better and I didn’t get the nicotine rush using them. That’s not to say that they don’t keep my nicotine cravings away (I am using medium nicotine level e-liquid). That was 5 months ago and I am still cigarette free. I have been using mods to vape my e-liquid. I feel that I am now part of a huge community comprised of a wide aaray of great people who are nothing but nice and helpful. I couldn’t say the same about cigarette smokers. I am so glad I found e cigarettes And I would want nothing more than to keep the laws about them exactly how they are. They are not as dangerous as cigarettes because they have no harmful second hand smoke. I have even been to my doctor since switching over and he says that my lung function has improved by leaps and bounds. I couldn’t be any happier. No more smelling like smoke or dealing with the harmful side effects.