I smoked cigarettes for over 40 years. I started using ecigs 4 years ago after numerous failed attempts to quit. I tried patches, gum, hypnotism and Chantex. At first I used ecigs and smoked but after a few months I didn’t buy cigarettes anymore. Over the next year I would bum a cigarette but after a few puffs I would toss it. Before using ecigs cigarette smelled and tasted good. After using ecigs for 6 months cigarettes tasted and smelled horrible. I can breathe better and my cough went away. My clothes, hair and car smell great. My teeth are whiter. I didn’t smoke inside so I don’t have to go outside in the cold, rain and heat. I don’t have to take smoke breaks at work so I get more done. Other people don’t have to smell my stale I cigarette odor. The 2 top reason I am glad I discovered ecigs is they cost less than cigarette and I don’t have to obsess about how to get my next cigarette. I can not think of anything negative.