This is Joshua Nix from Texas I quit smoking feb 2 2013 and switched to e-cigarettes. I tried many other times to quit but e-cigarettes was the only thing that got me to quit. After being so motivated about it I showed them to my father (32 year smoker) after 3 days he also quit and has been cigarette free for 2 months. With that kind of motivation I also got my brother in law and 2 co workers to switch from tobacco to e-cigarettes. We all use ego batteries with a tank/carto system all starting at 18 nicotine strength and lowered to 6 or 4 strength. Some of us done even have nicotine in our e-liquid. I smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for 9 years and now that I’m over 3 months tobacco free I haven’t felt this good since I was in high school. I have so much more energy and I’m so much happier. I also don’t feel self conscious about the smoke oder anymore since vapor is oder free! It took only 2 days for me to make the switch and it changed my life for the good forever!