My name is Jonathan and I smoked cigarettes for 25 years. what started out as an attempt to seem cool to a neighborhood girl while sitting on a tree knocked down from hurricane Gloria ended on June 1 2013. I ordered a starter kit and some e-liquid fully expecting this to fail and have not even thought of having a cigarette in the last month. Over the years I have tried the following methods. Patch-4 separate times Nic-Gum- 5 times Lozenges -2 times Zyban- 3 times Chantix- 3 times Hypnosis- 1 time Most of these attempts also included counseling and support groups, none had been successful and not once could I go more than a week without sneaking a cigarette, fooling everyone but myself. I have two wonderful daughters, 10 and 3. My wife has begged me to quit for years to no avail. I love my family and have always know that I needed to quit, yet I could not break the addiction to tobacco. Electronic cigaretts have given me a second chance, already I have lowered my daily nicotine intake from a pack a day habit to vaping 1 milliliter of 6 mg nic E-liquid and 2 milliliters of 0 mg nic E-liquid. The ability to select the nicotine level has been terrific and the flavors of the E-liquid are what have made this the easiest transition for me. The variety keeps it enjoyable and my wife and kids never say dad you stink. I know that there is money being thrown at State and Federal agencies via lobbyist in favor of legislation that will favor Big Pharma/Big Tobacco. I understand that this is how laws get made however I implore you to please understand that this is truly helping millions of people quit smoking and giving us a new lease on life. Respectfully, Jonathan W Kroeber