About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

How long did you smoke? 15 yrs How long ago did you start using a smoke-free alternative? December 2012 Exactly what smoke-free product(s) do you use (for instance, disposable e-cigarettes, mods, snus; what nicotine strength), and if this changed over time, how has it changed? Pretty much all of them Do you still smoke at all (and if so, how much have you cut down)? no Did you both smoke and use the smoke-free product for a time before quitting smoking entirely (and if so, how long), or did you switch immediately? Or did you stop tobacco/nicotine entirely for a while and then start using a low-risk alternative? What methods (NRT, Chantix, counseling, etc.) did you use to try to quit smoking before switching to a smoke-free alternative? How long were you able to go without smoking using these other methods before starting again? What changes in the quality of your life (both positive and negative) have you noticed since adopting the smoke-free alternative?