I had been smoking about 22 years before finding my way to E-cigarettes. I started using e-cigarettes about 7 months ago after smelling myself when I had been smoking. I had tried the disposable ones before and they just didn’t meet the goal I had set for myself. I returned to smoking because I did not know anything else. I had tried the patches and still smoked about a pack even while wearing the patch. I had also used smokeless tobacco even when smoking to help with the cravings I was having. When I adopted an e-cigarette I noticed right off the bat some unique changes in my habits from being able to breath to having more energy and stamina. I also found that I was able to smell and taste again. I have not looked back since I started and now I only use mods for my nicotine delivery. I use a mod that takes a lot of work to rebuild when the maintenance is needed on it. I now enjoy vaping more than anything I used to do.