I was not trying to quit smoking cigarettes when I made my first e-cig purchase, I just thought I would try one out. I bought an NJOY brand disposable ecig from a gas station and tried it out. I was able to use it all night long without having to smoke an analog cigarette which was amazing to me. My next e-cig purchase I bought a BLU starter kit on March 22nd 2013 and have not smoked a single cigarette since. Before then I had smoked cigarettes for 21 years. I am very happy and pleased that I made a totally random choice one night to buy my first e-cig. That single choice has changed my life for the better in ways that nothing else even compares. The harmful effects from smoking cigarettes come from the combustion of the tobacco. When it is burned it creates over 4000 harmful chemicals which are not present when a coil from an e-cig evaporates liquid into vapor. In just the last three months I feel that I have progressed very rapidly on my electrinc cigarette adventure. I own a Cobra rebuildable atomizer which is made of titanium and has a pyrex glass tank with a hybrid 316 stainless steel 7×7 cable rope and 500 grain stainless steel mesh wick and a 1.4 Ohm coil wrapped with 30 gauge kathal a-1 resistance wire. This is my favorite atomizer, it works flawlessly and produces a great vapor with awesome flavor. I also have some smok super shorty cartomizers, two Kanger T-5’s, and a mini vivi nova which all work great as well. I love that I am a vaper now instead of a smkoer. I do not miss cigarettes at all and will continue to use e-cigs for as long as I can. I believe it is the one choice in my life that has made the largest impact on improving my health and well-being. Please do anything you can to help make sure that we remain free to use e-cigarettes, because I really don’t want to smoke cigaettes ever again.