I am an avid cigar smoker. Quit smoking cigarettes 19 years ago. Today I smoke a cigar perhaps once a week, if that. I have been using the zero nicotine cigar flavored electric cigar/cigarette since February. Prior to February I was smoking 6 to 9 cigars daily. Once I started using the electrics, I think I may have smoked 10 real cigars since Feb, IF that. I never inhaled cigar smoke, just enjoyed the taste. Unlike cigarettes, cigars are not something that people inhale, however they are far from being safe. I think that electric cigars/cigarettes are a great idea. As we all know these liquids have propylene glycol as well as added flavors. There are those that are vegetable based, however I am not sold on those. E-cigs do not have tar, and some of the other chemicals found in cigarettes, and the Carbon Monoxide is zero, because there is no flame. I think this is a safe alternative to smoking. As far as I know, propylene glycol has no ill effects. Nicotine is habit forming, however nicotine in its pure form, without the additional chemicals is as safe to use as most other drugs. Nicotine patches can be dangerous because these can cause cardiac arrhythmia’s, especially if the person decides to smoke while wearing one, and this happens more often than not. I worked as a respiratory therapist for many years, and I saw patients develop arrhythmia’s when using the patch and smoking at the same time. Smoking or chewing tobacco is bad news, no matter how you look at it. Real tobacco and e-cigs are not the same thing. My only concern with the liquids are those that are high in nicotine, and those that may have sugar products in them. Personally I use neither, so I don’t see any danger in using the e-cigs. I can tell you that it is preferable to use an e-cig high in nicotine than smoking an actual cigarette. Cigarettes will kill you eventually. COPD and lung cancer are not easy things to live with, death is just the culmination, there is much misery between the time you are impaired, and the time you die from the disease. E-cigarettes do not have the chemicals found in traditional tobacco products. As with everything, there are always bad things, but this is true for all drugs, foods, etc. There are more chemical preservatives, hormones, etc. in foods, than there is in an e liquid. I’d rather smoke my e-cig than eat 2 slices of bacon, the e-cig is safer.