At age 29 I was a 15 year pack-a-day-plus smoker who decided to quit by age 30. At the time, e cigs were fairly new and the 401 model was all the rage. Looking back, I think everyone would agree the 401 was a terrible device. Very unsatisfying and unreliable. Regardless, I held myself to a structured smoking reduction plan and used my e cig to help curb cravings. I was able to quit smoking and e cigs rapidly and comfortably within a month. I could breathe again, I felt healthier, I looked healthier. My fingernails turned pink again, instead of yellow. I quit for a year and a half. Unfortunately, I started smoking again. I would go out with friends and have just one cigarette. And wow, look at that, I didn’t die. I got this funny notion that I wasn’t addicted. A couple weeks pass and I found myself wanting to go out just so I could have an excuse to bum a cigarette. A couple more weeks pass, and I’m buying a pack of cigarettes as I head out to meet friends. At this point I came to the realization just how viciously addictive cigarettes really are… being old enough to watch the process unfold. I knew I had to quit again. I was sleeping poorly, wheezing, and hated that I smelled disgusting. I did not hesitate using the e cig again. It worked like a charm the first time around. I’ve once again quit smoking. Electronic devices have come leaps and bounds since the 401. Vapor production is very satisfying and reliable. Within a matter of a few days I made the full transition to e cigs. No more cigarettes. I am still using vapor, with a schedule aimed at quitting all together. I started at 18mg nicotine liquid to make the initial transition, and have been able to gradually reduce my nicotine intake. At a pace that works for me. Several weeks later, I’m down to a 4mg – 5.5mg level. The wheezing, coughing, and hacking went away within the first 2 days. I’m now able to get a full nights sleep without waking up coughing or craving nicotine. I don’t stink. It blows my mind that cigarettes continue to be legal. They are a ruthless form of poison engineered to be viciously addictive. E cigarettes (vapor), in my opinion, are one of the greatest break-throughs of my lifetime. Instead of relentlessly searching for a way to condemn them (Because we’ll find a reason to demonize them, if only we keep searching hard enough), they absolutely should be embraced and developed as a way to rid the world of the tobacco epidemic. Why wouldn’t humankind take advantage of this opportunity?!?