Smoked for 45 years. Tried Chantix under doctors supervision and came close to quitting. Tried herbal alternatives, nicotine inhalers, nicotine gum and patches. None were successful, the closest I came were two periods of ‘cold turkey’ (no assists) lasting about 2 months each (both times there was a personal crisis and I just started smoking again). About 12 months ago I tried E-lites electronic cigarettes, the ones with the disposable cartridges. I found they nearly hit the the spot but were too erratic with regards to the delivery. About 4 months ago I bought a starter clearomiser kit, the intention was to simply reduce my tobacco consumption rather than outright quit. I eventually reduced my cigarette consumption to 2 or 3 a week from 30 a day. I have now quit tobacco completely for 6 weeks and have no desire to start again, using my vape kit is more than enough for me and is actually more enjoyable. Since finally quitting I have noticed massive improvements in my lungs primarily but also in the return my taste buds. I have experienced no negative side effects with vaping.