I smoked for almost exactly 30 years and always said you’d have to pry cigarettes out of my cold, dead hands. I enjoyed smoking. I didn’t enjoy the coughing, etc. and I knew it wasn’t good for me but that wasn’t enough for me to give it up. I picked up some convenience store disposable e-cigarettes about a year ago. They did not work for me – I couldn’t find one I liked and they were expensive, almost as expensive as regular cigarettes. Then in April, 2013, I discovered ‘vaping’. (For those unfamiliar with the term, it basically means using better (and cheaper) equipment than the disposable e-cigs.) After finishing the pack of cigarettes I had on hand (didn’t want them to go to waste, LOL), I haven’t had a regular cigarette since. Don’t miss them and have no urge to smoke. Not only am I saving money, I feel better also. I’ve thrown away all my ashtrays and my family fully supports the change. In fact, my older son was the first one to notice my cough had disappeared. ‘Big Tobacco’ – you can continue trying to convince people that vaping hasn’t been proven safe or is not effective, etc. etc. All I can go on is my own experience. I feel better, I’m saving money, and I no longer smoke cigarettes. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.