About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

I’d been smoking since I was 14. I got up to 3 packs a day at one point. I smoked for 13 years and had tried to quit about a dozen times (cold turkey, nicotine gum, inhalers) and nothing was working. In 2008 I was still smoking 2 packs a day when my aunt passed away from lung cancer and COPD because of cigarettes. I was determined to try again as I didn’t want to meet the same fate. After browsing the internet I found out about a new technology called electronic cigarettes. They hadn’t been around long and under scrutiny at that point, but the logic behind them really appealed to me. After researching the ingredients I felt they were certainly no worse than the chemicals I was inhaling through cigarettes and it was worth a try. I tried them and also convinced my mother (a 35 year smoker) and husband to give them a chance as well. We all were able to quit smoking with these and haven’t looked back. So here it is 5 years later and I’ve never felt better! The same can be said for my husband and mother. We all still vape electronic cigarettes daily and are smoke free. Last year I got pregnant and now have a healthy 8 month old. I quit these devices during the time I was pregnant, but one way I know these are nothing compared to cigarettes is when I quit vaping I literally felt no difference in my health (aside from a week long nicotine withdraw), whereas when I quit smoking I could tell a HUGE difference in the way I felt. Sure, I’m getting nicotine but I’m not getting the chemicals and smoke I did with cigarettes. As far as what I’ve been vaping for the past 5 years: I’ve been using the ICON from Puresmoker with the Dekang RY4 11mg strength on a 306 lr atomizer. Recently I’ve been using the itazte MVP with an American made Vegetable glycerin juice and I love it! Really no noticeable health differences between the American made VG juice and the Chinese PG, by the way. My aunt was dying and she still smoked. Her COPD was so bad she could barely breathe yet she continued to reach for a cigarette knowing it was killing her. After her surgery to remove her lung from cancer she still smoked. I get so sick of people saying Just quit! because something in (some of) our brains just can’t make it happen. Maybe it’s lack of will power, but who cares! People are DYING from cigarettes! These are an alternative for those people who just can’t do it. It can help prevent these deaths from happening. She’s not the only one I lost to smoking but she was such an amazing woman and I wish I would of found out about these sooner. My mother was headed down the same path and I feel these have saved her life. Point is, there are so many people out there who can benefit from these devices. My life has certainly changed as I don’t know if I could have quit without them. My husband and I can run around with our son without getting out of breath. My mom will hopefully be there for her grandson for many years more than if she were to have continued smoking. Yes, we are addicted to nicotine but NO we are not smokers. I’m ok with using an electronic cigarette, and I hope with continued education everyone will be. I’m just trying to do what is best. I accept that I might be considered weak by non smokers or those that have quit cold turkey and maybe I am. But thanks to these devices I’m also healthy and I’m not hurting anyone with second hand smoke.