About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

My name is Eric, a 25 year old ecig user. from the age of 16 to 24 i was a smoker and for the last few years of my smoking i was on a pack a day at 11 dollars a pack in NYC. on top of that my heath was deteriorating (could not run or taste anything) and one day a friend of mine told me about ecigs and how she was trying it out, i thought it was a load of ****. Latter on i want to go look it up and see if it really was & it wasn’t. I ended up getting the NJOY and i started just using it when i didn’t feel like going outside to smoke. One day i realized i want 3 days smoke free and i did this on and off for about a year. I used a few different brands till i found something i was comfortable with. Now i can gladly say i am a almost 2 years smoke free and feeling better. Now this is the thing i liked smoking,i liked the feeling i got from it. Now i am in love with vaping and i am getting my first mod soon and i do not plan on stopping and my girlfriend(a complete non-smoker), mother, friends and family are more then ok with it. My mother is even started her self. and i will NOT go back to tobacco! I feel so much betting and i enjoy vaping soooooo much more (I CAN BREATH AND RUN AGAIN) and i do not feel like i lost something i loved doing, i feel like a moved to something better. P.S. i am well aware on the fact that nicotine is additive and it has side effect just like everything drug of its kind. and i live in bronx ny.