About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

Hello. I started smoking about three years ago. At the time I was very young and passing through some rough paths. I started smoking only when I would go out, and then it progressed to when I was feeling low and depressed. So I guess I could say I smoked for three years (one pack a day). Then, I started having some serious health problems, but I never intended to quit smoking. Having these health issues made me think how smoking is bad for my body, and soon, I started searching the internet on ways to reduce the amount tobacco I took. Note that I never intended to quit smoking, I just wanted to reduce it to half a pack / day. So, I came upon some websites that were talking about e-cigs and I decided to give it a try. Three months ago, I ordered an e-cig kit (Joyetech Ego-C starting kit) and started vaping (with liquid containing 18ml of nicotine). I never smoked another cigarette from then on. I had no will power, no intent to quit, and still, with one single purchase I stopped smoking. Now, I don’t smoke not only because I don’t want to harm myself, but also because I don’t need them. I don’t feel any type of urge or psychological need. After I five days of vaping, my life started improving. My house, car and even myself stopped smelling like an ashtray. I could taste things so much better that I could not even bring myself to taste my girlfriend’s cooking. I started smelling things better. My parent’s residence is in a forest and when I got there I said to my girlfriend, I can smell the nature and I started crying because I knew how good this change was being for me. I could also breathe and exercise a lot more. The only drawback (in my own experience) was gaining some weight. Since things started tasting so much better I spent the first week eating fast food. But, I quickly solved that by doing some exercise. I don’t know if anyone is reading this, but I want to leave a personal note: Tobacco addiction feels like you’re in hell. I would wake at 2 am and if I didn’t have at least seven cigarettes by my side, I would have to get up and drive to the gas station. I cried after watching people talking about tumors, deaths in their families and I would look at my right hand, and I would see a lit up cigarette. I was receiving information, actual facts on how this would most likely happen to me and I was smoking without even realizing it. We’re at the end of my story. I am not writing this to beg people not to ban e-cigs. I am writing this, because at this time, in this very moment, I am a very, very happy man. My life has turned around and I have to thank e-cigs because they were the ones who allowed it. I am sure that if it weren’t for these products, I would have been smoking until the day I died. Thank you.