For all you sceptics out there. For several years I watched the e-cig thing and blew it off as a fad. I have smoked 2 plus packs cigarettes for over 30 years and the last two years, cigar type cigarettes. I’ve lost track of the times I have tryed to quit. Tried most all over the counter and auction site assist. No real luck. I just love to smoke. OK, so now what. Let’s give the e-cig a try, what can it hurt? Tried a disposable, OK, its different but lacks something. Then a good friend suggested I give the more complicated e-cigs a shot. So I went this route, started with higher nicotine level, planning a decrese 1 step down each week. In 2 days set down combustible cigarettes. Week 8, down to almost no nicotine, around 2mg., have not touched or wanted a regular cigarette and enjoying a mocca capuccino instead of tobacco. I now find it very hard to be around a regular smoker. I did not realize how bad the odor and secondhand smoke was. I also noticed within a few days, I started feeling better, all over. Maybe even more alive. Ok , its still a form of smoking, I’ll give u that. However, all my friends and associates are supportive and have noticed the positive outcome thus far. I use the e-cig at least 60% less now that when I started. Further note, I do not support e-cigs to minors in any way, shape or form, without or with nicotine, flavored or flavorless,. I do not support flagerant e-smoking, especially in public. Flagerant meaning to me, in your face with an attitude. This is my story and my experience. Furthermore, I do not encourage smoking to anyone. Never start, it’s not worth it, literally.