About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

I began smoking at the age of 17 in 1975. Not due to peer pressure or advertisements, but due to a traumatic event. I continued smoking an average of 2 packs per day until switching to an electronic cigarette. My first encounter with an electronic cigarette came 3 years ago (2010). I had been diagnosed as having suffered a silent heart attack and was told that I needed to quit smoking. I turned to electronic cigarettes because I had already attempted using NRT with zero long-term success. In fact, no attempt to quit using NRT (gum, patches, lozenges) lasted more than a week. I had received counseling which was unsuccessful. Acquaintances who attempted to quit using Chantix or other medications reported extreme adverse side-effects; enough so that I did not consider using these medications. I cannot classify myself as a non-smoker, as I still smoke a cigarette on rare occasion. However, the personal result I have obtained by switching from full-time smoker to casual smoker have been profound. My general health is much improved… heart medication and hypertension medication dosages were reduced. Diabetes medication dosages were reduced. I am able to engage in strenuous activity easier and for longer periods of time (within the limits of my heart condition). I rarely fall ill from cold or flu, whereas in the past I could count on 3 or 4 episodes per year. All of these are pleasing, but the most pleasing is that my sense of smell and taste have vastly improved, and those around me have commented positively on the pleasant smell that now surrounds me… no more burnt tobacco odor.