About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

I started smoking at the age of 16. I quickly began a 17 year journey of chain smoking cigarettes or cigars. 2 years ago I found a site selling electronic cigs and I gave it a go. I quickly failed to stick with it and soon after went back to smoking full force. One day my girlfriend brought home a BLu kit and the moment I noticed it I stole it from her. I thought about it and assumed within 2 months I could cut my nicotine to 0mg. I did ok for a few months and while on vacation bought a cigar. 4 months later, 4 cigars a day was where I was at and the chest pains were with me almost every single moment of the day. My breathing was getting to be tough and I could here weezing after every cigarette. January 2012 comes around and I’ve had it so I decide this time to try an EGO electronic cigarette and within days I realize this type of device is much stronger and more satisfying to me. Back and forth between January and June I quit a few weeks at a time and relapse here and there. June 23rd 2012 was my last day on vacation and the last time I had a cigarette. Electronic cigarettes of all shapes and sizes have helped me finally kick the addiction and for once in my life I am going to the gym and able to actually run a few miles at a time. For the first time in a long time I can breathe without weezing and constantly coughing up a lung. .. I am not constantly taking breaks all day to grab a smoke and actually get a ton more work done.. I have also been helping others quit. One person at a time helping them focus on their wants and needs and so far I have helped 10 people fully quit smoking. Before electronic cigarettes I didn’t stand a chance to be honest and now a full year after quitting smoking I am happy.. Happy I don’t stink, happy to breathe, and happy I have found a caring community to lean on for support in every facet of life. I am a vaper.