About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

My name is Bud Baker and I live in NH. I have a 50+ pack/year history of smoking starting with Lucky Strikes and Camels and moving to Marlboro Lights. I quit smoking for a year about 10 years ago. I took Zyban for about 2 weeks, and didn’t like the sleep issues and dry mouth and stopped. I managed to stay off tobacco until on vacation and in a jazz bar, I found a cigarette vending machine. I could smoke just one or two. Or 3 or then the whole pack. About 2 years ago I tried the electronic cigarette or vaping. I enjoyed the flavor and the experience but found the process and equipment temperamental and cumbersome. I put aside the hardware I had acquired and resumed burning tobacco. About a year ago I decided to look at the electronic cigarette again and found the technology had advanced and reliability and the process had improved so I gave them a try again. I have not had a burning cigarette since and never will. The thought of burning tobacco has no, repeat, no appeal. I have gone from a nicotine strength of 18 Mg to 9 mg. I do not use my e cigarette in public places where smoking is prohibited. I smell better, have my sense of taste restored, feel better. I haven’t run in 40 years. This weekend I completed my first 5K race which included some good hills here in NH. I did not set a course record, but turning 67 in 2 weeks, I thought I did OK. And I run 3-4 times a week for 3-4 miles each run. I could never do that 2 years ago. Are e cigarettes harmful? I would think inhaling fresh air would be the best scenario for my overall health. However for me, who had such a long term use of tobacco, the harm reduction of using e cigarettes is obvious and my health improvement is proof. The prospect of outright bans on e cigarettes just because they look like smoking tobacco or have flavorings is flawed. There is harm reduction. Is it perfect. No, but they have worked for me to be 100% off tobacco and have worked for tens of thousands of others. There are many respected scientists who propose in peer reviewed papers that the e cigarette presents an opportunity to save hundreds or thousands of lives and save millions in health care costs. To finish, I do not object to standards being established for the liquids being offered such as purity, handling, worker safety etc. Respectfully, Bud Baker, CMD (Ret) EMT