To whom it may concern, I smoked since I was 15 years old. I am now 39 years of age. In addition to becomming a financial burden upon me, smoking had begun to do real and lasting harm to my cardio pulmonary function. My lung capacity had been diminished by 15 percent. I quit using tobacco cigarettes in favor of electronic ones in order to appease others who expressed concern for my well being. I had tried niccotine gums in the past with no success. This worked. This IS working still. I enjoy the activity of using electronic vapor devices. I actually have come to prefer it more than I ever liked smoking. I would hope that people who have a negative view of anything that even resembles smoking would take an open minded view of the matter and seek to educate themselves. This has improved my sense of well being and bolstered my health. I now work a physically active job that I never could have were I still under the thumb of tobacco cigarettes. Thank you for your time and concideration, Brock Miller