I smoked cigarettes for 45 years. I tried patches and cold turkey in order to quit. It didn’t work. I believe this is because I was trying to quit because I was told I should and not because I wanted to. I am extremely healthy so that was never an issue. I heard about ecigarettes and did quite a lot of research before deciding to try them. It wasn’t an attempt to quit smoking, just curiousity. I began with rechargeable batteries, refillable cartomizers and eliquid. I chose the eliquid strength based on the amount of nicotine in my normal pack and a half of cigarettes. The first day I used ecigs, I smoked 5 cigarettes, the next day 3, and the next day 1. I have not smoked a cigarette since. The only change since I began using ecigs was adjusting the nicotine strength upward a bit. The absorption is different than cigarettes. If ecigs are not available, I will go back to smoking. Not I might, I will. If I am not able to use the ecigsas I do now, rechargable, refillable with control of the amount of nicotin I will go back to smoking. I fail to understand the attempt to ban a product that for so many people reduces the health risks of cigarettes yet cigarettes are still available. The way I use them isn’t simple and for the majority of people I’ve spoken to they simply don’t want to bother to change.