About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

I work in my son’s Electronic Cigarette store in Wisconsin. We encounter many many stories how we helped people quit smoking. We have them sign the wall if they have stopped smoking with Electronic Cigarettes. The wall is our pride and joy. I have three favorite stories I’d like to share off our wall. The first is a family of 7. One son came in to purchase 7 kits. They all rallied around Grandma who had Alzheimers disease. It was hard to teach Grandma how to use an Electronic Cigarette, and she was very stubborn and did not want to quit. Being afraid for her safety, as her lit cigarettes caused fires, they helped her learn. A year Later, Grandma has passed away, but the rest are still smoke free. The second story is a man who thought electronic cigarettes wouldn’t help him, was amazed it did help, weaned himself down to zero, and was very proud of himself. A month later he was back. He explained that his mom just passed away, and his stress made him think about cigarettes. He said I was so glad this electronic cigarette was still in my house, I realized I never have to ever smoke real cigarettes again. A month later he was done again. We have a man who came walking in and told us he had been smoking for 80 years and he is tired of it. 80 years? How old are you? 90. He started smoking at 10, smoked 2 packs a day, and now he uses an Electronic Cigarette. We have a wide range of ages. There is no specific age to want to quit smoking. We have person after person come in, very skeptical that it will help, but it does. If you trust it, and you can wrap your mind around the fact that you are a non smoker. It’s just so much easier to quit at your own pace. I, myself smoked 2 1/2 packs for 40 years. My ex-husband quit smoking 2 years before me, he bought me one because he wanted to help me. I already had COPD from smoking, I tried all the stop smoking aids on the market. And I did quit a few times, for a short amount of time. A smokers mind tells them to buy a pack at the first sign of stress. I had a struggle, but realized my cigarettes were a security blanket. I was scared to be without them. Thankfully my ex-husband franchised an Electronic Cigarette store to my son, it has been a blessing to my family and the town. Many members of my family smoked, and I am proud to say we are all non smokers now. I wondered what I would do with my hands when I stopped smoking. I wondered if I would crave a cigarette forever. Now I never have that craving to get outside for a cigarette. I never have to stand outside in cold weather to finish one. I have a few puffs and I am all set. No more costly Cigarettes, No more smelling like smoky purfume, I would use to cover the smell. The cravings go away. Breathing gets easier. We promote an electronic cigarette as an aide to be able to cut back from smoking, but I have seen hundreds quit. It is a wonderful product, and I am thankful to be a part of this.