I had been a smoker for 40 years, staring at age 14. I had made several tries over the years with NRTS, gum and patch, with no success, not even limited success. I had a degree of success in the 80s with a trendy at the time accupuncture remedy call accutack, that placed and accupuncture tack basically under a piece of silicon bandage inside the outer ear to stimulate a specific nerve when you felt a nicotine craving, but that success was limited because a lack of feeding the behavioral compulsion to light, handle, smoke, cigarettes. About 2 years ago I started using Marlboro snus while at work to be able to maintain my concentration at my desk for longer periods without having to go smoke. It worked relatively well, but I still had the compulsion to smoke. I had seen (and occasionally used) disposable e-cigs for a few months because of the ability to use them at a few clubs I visit on occasion. I am the type of person that enjoys hobbies that require paraphernalia, cell phone modding, RC cars, etc. About a year ago I saw my first real serious nicotine vaporizer or APV (advanced personal vaporizer). I asked a few questions and did my research and about 3 months ago (13 weeks to be exact) I found a local shop and took the plunge. I have been EFFORTLESSLY smoke free that entire time. After having vaped nicotine I don’t see myself ever smoking tobacco again, such an inferior nicotine vector! I have to admit that part of my motivation was to get my wife, who had suffered from a severe case of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome last fall, to quit once and for all, so I had a personal mandate. She started vaping the same day I did and has also been smoke free the whole time since. She had smoked less time tan I, but she is 15 years younger than I am. WE are both in rapidly improving cardiac health, our doctors are amazed, our home no longer reeks, our families aren’t repulsed by us, etc etc etc. It is my firm opinion, based on the evidence I have personally experienced thus far, that any regulation of vaping equipment or supplies other than FDA oversight, or anything that would increase the price or decrease the availability of equipment and supplies would simply be condemning many people to a much more rapid death, and a much damaged qulaity of life, than they are currently able to achieve with nicotine vaping (AKA e-cig use).