About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

My name is Ali Brooks,I stared smoking 16 yrs ago at the age of 15. My birthday is Jan. 3rd so in 2008 I made a New Years resolution that i would smoke my last cigarette on my 25th birthday. That lasted 1 1/2 days. For the next 5 years, i tried quiting numerous times cold turkey or using nicotine gum, patches & snus never quitting longer than 2 weeks. On my 30th birthday I bought a bicycle so i could go biking with my husband. We headed out & after 1.7 miles I was so short of breath I had to stop and sit on the sidewalk for 25 min. before I was able to catch my breath. We then turned around & went back home. I was so upset with myself I could not go on a bike ride with my husband at 30 yrs old. I decided I wasnt going to let my 30’s pass me by like my 20’s so I called my GP & made an appointment. He perscribed Chantix, I felt so hopeful for the first time in years. After 2 1/2 weeks of taking Chantix my smoking was down to almost nothing but I was acting very aggresive, irrational, and emotional. I started having severe mental health issues including suidial thoughts so I decided to stop the medication. That was so depressing & hard on me because I thought that was my last resort I had to quit. I also had the shame of telling my family & spouse I just wasted more money & Im still smoking. On August 24, 2012 I was outside on a smoking patio for work & saw someone with an e-cigarette, I went over & inquired about it. On August 25, 2012 I went & bought my tank, e-cig & liquid, and that is now the date of my last cigarette. Tomorrow will be 10 months smoke free!! 6 weeks ago I got my bicycle out again & my first time out I rode 6 1/2 miles!! I have my life back! I still use my e-cigarette everyday and have managed to reduce my nicotine strength considerably!