2 years 5 months totally analog free. Possible with this e-cig. Wow I never would have dreamed it true. But I’m walking, talking, happy, healthy proof that it works. I feel so lucky that I stumbled upon the e-cig. It was not popular or wide spread when I started my journey. It was not as refined or accepted as it is today. It was trial and error. No help, no guidance, no vaping community. But I was determined not to smoke. I did the gum. It made my gums bleed. I did the patches. I broke out in a rash. Cold turkey, my family ran and hide from me. It was terrible. Once I found the equipment that worked for me then I couldn’t find the liquid that would help. But I was determined to use my e-cig. Two weeks into this journey I started to smell again. My taste came back. My cough stopped. I slept better. I felt better all round. I wasn’t worried about cigarette money or cigarette breaks. It was so amazing. I loved it so much I started preaching about it to all my friends. I started reading all the information about e-cigs I could find. I even started working in a vape shop. I believe in e-cigs so much it made it easy to help another person to stop smoking. Every day people come to me and thank me for helping them to stop smoking. It works time and time again. I talk with the medical professionals and have received such positive feedback. We, the vaping community, do realize the time is coming for us to standup. Our voice must be heard. We will never put our e-cigs down unless we choose to. We will not buy e-liquid in flavors that we do not choose. We will choose our own nicotine strength. We will vape on.