About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

I’m not much of a writer. I started out smoking tobacco cigs from the age of 18 till about 2 yrs ago. None of the others ever gave me the good and positive results that the e-cig and vaping has given me. I was really happy when searching for e juice sites i found one that makes them up so they are fresh and done in the USA. In fact with using the e-cig not long after I stopped smoking I found my taste had returned and so did my sense of smell. After I quit smoking I found that I did even like the tobacco e-liquids. My Family, Friends and Doctors all support me in having stopped smoking. They all love that I have gone to vaping. I started at the highest strength in nicotine e-liquid to the current level of 12 in nicotine in s short amount of time. I also really like being able to vape even in a 0 nicotine liquid when i feel i am personally ready and that vaping will continue to help me never to go back to tobacco cigarettes. Also by having the non flavored tobacco in the e liquids this will keep for the rest of my life tobacco cig free!! I am proud to say I am an ex smoker and still totally all vapor at the age of 47. :} Be good to yourself stop smoking and keep Vaping On!!! Ginger Simmons from Arkansas