In March of 2013 I had the flu. I went to the doctor and received medicine that would help. Well it didn’t and I ended up with pneumonia 5 day’s later. My wife took me to the hospital where they ran some test and an x ray. He said I had pneumonia and COPD. I was admitted that day (Easter Sunday) and stayed 5 day’s. During that time I received breathing treatments every 4 hours. My wife and kid’s (adopted 12,8,6 and 2)came to see me but cried for me to come home. I was there rock but now I looked half dead. I am 56 and smoked for 38 year’s but at that moment I decided never again. I was released form the hospital but had to see a pulmonary doctor in a few days. The Pulmonary doctor ran a COPD test and did a lung x ray. He then told me that he doesn’t often get to tell good new’s. He said I have no sign’s of COPD and my lungs were clear. The average lung capacity for my age was 87, I had a 91. He also said that If I continued to smoke I would end up back in there to see him. The doctor told me to use e-cigarettes and stop smoking. I was addicted to nicotine but didn’t need the other thousands of ingredients found in cigarettes. I have not smoked for 7 months now and I am slowly dropping my nicotine level down. I hope to eventually reach 0 on the nicotine. I feel better,sleep better and I am not winded anymore when I play with my kid’s. Maybe now I will now live long enough to see my grandkids from my 2nd batch. (I have 5 other grown children). My wife and I enjoy being foster parent’s and the need is great.