About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

This my personal experience. I am not advocating vaping although, for me, itƒ??s the only thing that made ME quit smoking and feel better. I am a middle aged male, professional employee in a high stress environment. Over 30 years of Cigarettes controlling my life ƒ?? no more. July 6, 2013 I put them down and started vaping. 1.5 packs per day and I have no desire to go back to Cigarettes. Vaping satisfies my urge for everything cigarettes were about. I purchased a Mod (heavy duty rechargeable) and refill my own juice. The rechargeable cig look-a-likes did not work for me ƒ?? or at least werenƒ??t sustainable. Some facts about cost: ƒ?› Would have smoked 1,590 cigs as of today (quit July 6, 2013) ƒ?› Saved $413.40 ƒ?? less $182.36 of vaping equipment and products = $231.04 ƒ?› My budget is currently $80 per month for vaping expenses for now ƒ?? plan on reducing I feel better but didnƒ??t at first. I was skeptic when I first started vaping and quit smoking. Why? ƒ?› Nausea ƒ?› Dizzy ƒ?› Arms and Legs were tingling for a month (this was scary) ƒ?› Hyper or excitable Most of these symptoms were in the 1st month ƒ?? all of these symptoms are gone after 2 months and I feel MUCH better than I did when I smoked. I figured it was my body ridding toxins of cigarettes. I started with 24mgs of juice and after a month reduced to 18mgs. I started with tobacco flavor and since I have tried spice or food flavors (Cinnamon,vanilla, mocha etc..)I no longer like tobacco taste!! Flavors are endless. No more wheezing at night; lungs coming back; smell is back; taste is coming back; skin color better; donƒ??t CRASH at 1:30pm anymore and I donƒ??t smell like a stale cigarette anymore! Do your research, talk to your Doctor, get on a e-cig blog or forum site. Choose a good product to start with. I wish all of you analog smokers the best of luck. If anyone understands how difficult it is to quit, I DO!