I was house shopping, and knew the expense of two people smoking was ludicrous to maintain. So after my wife used Chantix to successfully quit, I tried a disposable blu ecig. I loved it. I was impressed with the whole package, vapor, convenience, strength and price. I am not aware of the risks or benefits of vaping, but I will say that spending $60 to buy a premium starter kit that recharges and includes 5 days of cartridges was a no brainer. 5 days of smoking in CT is $50. So there was no initial investment. The cost for me to switch to e cig from cigarettes was the same. I never looked back. I save $600 a month on cigarets and feel better for it. The motivation to quit smoking was 100% but nicotine is a hell of a vice. So the ecig is my crutch for now. I plan on using the ecig and gradually buy refills with less nicotine until I can bare a zero nicotine e cig. The health concerns are there but all the extra money in my savings are insane. To think. All the money wasted on real cigarettes. Am I wasting money on ecigs? Sure. But it’s the lesser of two evils and I am grateful to have to option to use the blu e cig. I don’t have an endorsement for any brand. But there are dozens of brands of ecigs at every gas station. I choose my particular brand based on capitalism logic. National television commercials, coast to coast availability and quality products that stand the test of time. I’ve tried a lot. Most don’t last the stated time or taste good. Big corporations know they are being scrutinized by big brother so I trust that they would produce the right product from the start knowing that when they clamp down. Not if they do. That they were doing it right the first time. E cigs help me successfully quit smoking after trying other FDA approved methods after 18 years. I hope that I quit soon enough to see my kids graduate. I hated smoking. I grew up with smoking parents and grand parents and smoking in air planes and every restaurant I can remember. Why smoke. Why burn fossil fuels. Why do anything that’s bad for you, your family or the planet. I know that it’s misinformation and lack of information that leads to poor decision making for any person, company or government. I hope that this is a non issue. That ecigs will live on and become cheaper. I’ve noticed that the increase in popularity has increased the price by a few dollars at all retailers in the past year. It’s called price gouging and I hope the original producers catch wind and regulate their prices or give incentives to stick with it. I actually have converted 5 smokers to ecigs because of my success and praise. I hope the study and debates are positive and yield good things for the future of our world. Cigarettes suck and I wish that nicotine wasn’t the most addictive thing ever. K. Good luck and best wishes from Connecticut.