About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

My first days of e-cigs I became aware of these 2.5 yrs. ago when I saw an online ad about blue e-cigs I saved up the $40 dollars and bought them. when I received the cool box in the mail I freaked out it all looked so cool and easy to use plus I could charge it like my phone no more ashtrays no more car stink no more stinky fingers I was super excited to never have dragon breath that I opened the box and started right away. My first experience was a failure as I was not aware of how addicted to consumable tobacco I was. That being said I just ordered a higher dose to test my limits at his time were I lived there were no people that understood these or could answer any questions about them so I kind of felt like a test rat but as time went on I started to notice the craving for dip and real consumable tobacco went away and found myself loving the flavors I had chosen for my e-cig. I had tried quitting many time since the age of 15 yeah I know I smoked before the age of being legal but hey thatƒ??s what they wanted us to do any ways more money they did not care about me or my health, which brings me back to my up of a ecig. Since I have continued I noticed I got sick a lot less that before I would always get the flu or just be run down during the winter months with sicknesses and as my first winter year approached me I did start to get worried but nope no flu no sicknesses. As time went on into a year now I could breathe again run again and just feel good I did not realize how crappy I felt after smoking consumable tobaccos. I feel that I have done well with being able to monitor my own levels of nicotine as well as design my own juice from my home and build my e-cig mods how I like so I donƒ??t feel like I need to just except what the heavy hitters sell me with whatever poisons they have in them. yeah I believe that nicotine is addictive but I can control it by lowering it to my own comfortable level or raise it when I need to, but there is no way I am ever going to go back to consumable tobacco after the new life change me and my wife have experienced as well my children are so happy they still tell us how proud they are of us and they are so glad that we will be around allot longer now. I am 38 now and feel I have made a huge change in my life by making a choice to take on this new e-cig challenge. I still recommend these to people every day and since I have started I have changed over 40 people from consumable tobacco to e-cigs.