About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

I bought a cheap E Cig from E Bay in 2008. (Think is was a DSE901) It was an automatic battery (no fire button) It was shaped like a pen,I got 2 batteries in the pack and 5 cartridges filled with wadding which I dripped my 18mg Strawberry juice on. I used it when smoking was not permitted or favourable. I was still smoking rollies by default though as I found it didn’t satisfy by cravings entirely and I just liked tobacco too much. I gave up using it as it was unreliable,the batteries ran down far too quickly and it was a bit if a faff. Fast forward to Jan 2011 and I was admitted to A+E with a chest infection. I had a lung scan and a spirometry abd discovered I had Emphasyma. I had just bought Tornado tank and hadn’t even got it out of its packet when I was admitted to A+E. The Tornado tank was 2 x 650 mAh Ego style batteries.2 atomisers and 5 plastic tanks which you put about 1 ml of liquid in and it was infinitely better than the one I bought in 2008. And it worked. I never smoked again. My family history of death form Emphasyma is pretty bad. My Dad died at 52.His brother (my uncle) died at 52. My sister died at 52 and my partner died at 49. All had Emphasyma and not one of them gave up smoking.So I knew if I didn’t give up I would probably go the same way. I spent a lot of money in the early days. In 2008 there was an E Cig which I really wanted called The Screwdriver which cost ?œ99. A guy from the UK made them in his ‘shed’. One of the first E Cigs I bought was The Screwdriver. Which cost me ?œ40. It was OK.Not wonderful but ok. I must have bought 10 different mods and whenever I bought a new one I would put the old one on the classifieds and get some of my money back. The I discovered VV and that changed my life. Then I discovered Vivi Novas and that changed my vaping life too. At last,after 2 years of buying and selling I found a device which pressed all my buttons and now I am very settled and very happy with 2 Innokin MPVs and the Innokin I Clear 30s which is a dual coil clearomiser tank. I have just bought a Jimmy Jack VV box mod which is beautifully made. I will pass on my MPV to my 32 year old son. I mix all my own juices. I buy 72mg PG nic from Nicvape in the US. VG from Boots and concentrates from Inawera in Poland. At last I am saving some money after 2 years of experimenting with mods and atties and clearos….. I went to Tamworth in 2011. 100 were expected 350 turned up. The 2012 one I couldn’t make. 500 expected,1,500 turned up. Last weekend was Vapefest in Tamworth again and I haven’t got the figures yet but it must have been 2,000 plus.Possibly a lot more. If it wasn’t for vaping I would now be very ill or even dead as I really enjoyed smoking rollies and could never imagine life without smoking. Recently I was Aldis and was waiting for a bus home and a girl asked me if my MPV was a crackpipe. I laughed and explained what it was and she asked if she could try it. She did and coughed a LOT. I asked why and she said it hurt her throat. She said to try her rollie. Which I did. First time I had a smoke in 2 years 9 months. I didn’t feel any throathit and it tasted DISGUSTING. How on earth I smoked for 37 years is beyond me…. I just love my E Cig !!!