Hi, I’m Rob, I’m 49 and I gave up a 35 year, 2-3 pack a day cigarette smoking habit the very day I got a decent electronic cigarette. Cheap gas station disposable E-cigs did not offer me what I needed to give up regular cigarettes. Getting a reliable device and being able to choose a flavor and the nicotine level of the juice allowed my to customize my e-cig experience, making it very easy to give up smoking. I am in the process of lowering the nicotine levels of the liquids I buy and I’m confident I will eventually be nicotine free. In the past I tried to quit smoking with nicotine patches and gums but it did not work. I NEVER thought I’d be a non-smoker but with E-cigs, I quit regular cigarettes easily. My wife simply cannot believe I don’t smoke anymore and I know that I’ll never go back to smoking regular cigarettes unless E-cigs/vaping devices become too expensive or unavailable.